Posted by : Unknown Sabtu, 09 November 2013


"Gackpo" is based on the pronunciation of the name "Gackt". The software name of "Gackpoid" also takes its name from Gackt's own. The "poid" on the end of the name is short for "like VOCALOID". Consequently, the full implied name of this product is "Gackt-like VOCALOID".
However, the spelling of his name can at times vary. For example, the Karen-T website his name is often also seen written as "Camui Gackpo". Other spellings of his name have also been witnessed from other sources.


The avatar character of the software was drawn by the illustrator Kentaro Miura (三浦健太郎 Miura Kentaro). A note from Crypton Future Media's VOCALOIDs was that they were using cyber-style clothes which can "melt into" our everyday lives as much as possible. Internet co., Ltd drew up their own ideas from this on what makes VOCALOID popular. Gackpo's look was picked from several possible designs.
Gackpo has a samurai aesthetic: the VOCALOID is clad in a Jinbaori, a kind of kimono which was used as a battle surcoat, with parts of Japanese armor, and carries a katana which is named “Music katana, Miburi” (楽刀・美振 / Gakutou Miburi). The patterns on its blade make musical sounds when it is swung down. The sword existed because producers wanted a link to a musical instrument, there were no objections to the use of a weapon.

When considering the features of Gackpo, the producers informed them they wanted the eyes to look like Gackt's, and for what he wore to include a combination of cyber and traditional Japanese-styled clothing. The colours were picked to make him stand out from the other VOCALOIDs.

The symbol on the back of both Gackpo's fan and shirt/jacket is a stylized version of the kanji for "music" which is "楽". In romaji format, this is literally spoken and read as "gaku", which is most likely a pun on both the avatar's naming and the literal form of "楽" which can stand for "musician" after being changed into "楽人".

Gackpo is one of the few VOCALOIDs to see his most popular Meme make it into merchandise form. The "eggplant", or rather the version with stick-legs, is an additional item included with his Nendoroid figurine.

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